I was born and raised in the small Eastern Caribbean Island of Dominica. I am the second child of Cheryl Culpeper and Ras Mo. My father Ras Mo is a cultural activist and performer as a result I was exposed to and involved in arts and culture from a very young age.
As a toddler I would take trips all over the island with my father as part of the Movement of Cultural Awareness. I was often found in the front sit or backstage of performance taking in what was going on. I then began to experiment with the many drums my father made and played. My parents were also part of a group called DSAP Drumming Singing and Performance. I was present at most of their practices and often saw the whole process from rehearsal to performance delivery. During rehearsals I would play on the drums during breaks, I eventually learned their repertoire including their rhythms and songs. I grew up going to the hills and mountains with my father to gather fern roots for crafts and logs to make drums.
In elementary school during Independence celebrations, my friends and I created our own instruments from recycled materials and would create a “lapo Kabwit ” which is a group of drummers and other instrument players. We would play for the students as they reveled through the school yard. I continued to accompany my father to cultural performances including cultural galas, “papi show weddings’ ‘, calypso shows and other carnival and independence events.
During high school years, I performed at the school talent shows and also at the Annual Creole Day. This was a day dedicated to Dominica’s creole culture traditions including language, food, clothing and style. On this day I played the drums and also sang creole songs for the school audience. I also participated in the Junior Monarch Calypso Competitions.
While at Dominica State College where I studied Sociology, I deepened my understanding of the important connection to how culture influences our behaviors and the importance that socialization plays in the development of human beings. After graduation I moved to Connecticut where I became support staff with my father Ras Mo and his Pink and Blue Project which uses the arts to facilitate violence prevention. We facilitated workshops throughout many public schools in Connecticut. We also launched the annual Chant Down Domestic Violence Festival which featured drumming, poetry, survivors testimonies, and open panel discussions and forums.
In 2005 I began working at Solar Youth Inc., which empowers young people through positive youth development and environmental education. At Solar Youth I developed and implemented the Eco Arts and Culture program where youth learned Afro-Caribbean drumming, wrote poetry and songs while learning about Caribbean ecology and Afro-Caribbean History. The program includes self-exploration, team building and culminates with a performance to the participant’s families and communities. The participants have performed at different festivals including The International Festival of Arts and Ideas, West Rock festival, The Annual MLK event at The Peabody Museum, The Citywide Youth Coalition Annual Youth Performances Event and other community events.
I continue to use drumming, movement and songs to teach youth about the environment and other science related topics throughout New Haven’s schools and neighborhoods.
Melting Pot Rhythms is the expression of my lifelong passions for joyfully connecting people together through rhythm and play.
I was awarded the Environmental Educator of the Year for 2022 by Connecticut Outdoor and Environmental Association.I continue to use drumming, movement and songs to teach youth about the environment and other science-related topics throughout Connecticut schools
and neighborhoods. I have trained teachers on how to deliver Outdoor Learning experiences as well as music and movement. While also supporting schools and organizations to develop their outdoor programs. As a Kingian Nonviolence Trainer I have worked with The Connecticut Center for Nonviolence with youth and adults throughout the state.
Today I am a youth development professional and use drumming and music to build relationships and community connection.
My personal performance catalog includes: private parties, baby showers, workshops for organizations such as Clifford Beers, Yale New Haven Health Day Care, Connecticut Center for Nonviolence, and Bridges Healthcare. Some of my interactive drum circle performances included Fair Haven Family Stroll, the World Stage at the Peabody Museum for Dr. Martin Luther King Celebrations, International Festival of Arts and Ideas’ Pop-Up Festivals, New Haven Caribbean Heritage Festival and Gather New Haven Festival.